Thursday, July 16, 2015

public announcement: Give moms space. Explained with bears.

People with the best intentions may be stressing out local moms  if they do this...

I was approached by 4 people while loading my daughter and groceries into the car- an elderly couple wanted to chat about their grandchild of a similar age; a woman wanted to tell me how cute Rory's hat was; and a young man wanted to take my cart back for me. All sweet people... but in this case, maybe not.  

When a woman is alone with her baby, especially while loading or unloading groceries, it is best to give as much personal space as possible. Here's why...

It's well known that moms are protective of babies (picture a momma bear snuggled up with her cubs).

 When we are alone with the baby our defenses go up. 

When we are out with the baby and multitasking, and alone, we become just shy of paranoid (picture that momma bear holding an AK-47). 

The grocery store is a great example of a place that puts moms on guard. As we load our groceries into the car we are thinking about things like: is the car too hot to put the baby in; is the baby strapped into the car seat safely; are my keys on me so that I don't accidentally get locked out; is my purse/wallet within my eyesight; etc.

 With all the things we are considering, when a stranger approaches us we feel more alarmed than charmed by small talk. 

If you truly want to help, make sure you ask from a distance if its okay to approach. Today, the young man put his hands on my cart while the baby was still sitting in the cart. I was putting groceries into the trunk of my car. I was twisted and did not see him approach. Imagine how I felt when I turn around and there was a stranger, touching the cart my child was in. 

So, please remember, it's not that we don't appreciate your kindness or your help. It's just we are gun wielding bears at the moment. Be considerate and give us space. 

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