Tuesday, July 28, 2015

the bell jar, sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar

I loved reading this one. I went into it knowing the gist: Talented and successful woman spirals into madness. This isn't a feel good read, but it is an inspiring one for a writer. The magic is in the imagery. The way Plath describes her emotions and her experience losing her mind is absolutely enviable. She has a grasp on lucidly describing the undescribable. The bell jar metaphor is only one example of her ability to illustrate and effectively transform a very illusive condition into relatable terms. She explains that no matter where she is or what is happening around her, she is trapped in her own sour air beneath a glass belp jar. Ive heard people describe a trapped feeling from depression and anxiety, but this omage of a bell jar makes the experience tangible. And that is what Plath excells at through out the novel, she translates the world of emotion into the physical world. It is regretable that the accuracy of the text is drawn from her personal struggles with mental illness.

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