Saturday, January 4, 2014

Take Your Chill Pills.

Today, my husband and I attempted to complete our wedding registration simultaneously as we completed our baby registry at Target. It was a little overwhelming, to say the least. But, even with our energy fading- we stayed calmed and tried to keep our spirits up. As for the shoppers surrounding us? Not so much. Two middle aged white ladies began to brawl over a line-jipping accusation; a twenty-something slammed her hands down on the hood of a car that was not giving her the pedestrian right-of-way as she left the store; and I saw a frazzled mom lift her toddler to eye level by the arm in a fit of frustration. I felt the overwhelming urge to yell "EVERYBODY RELAX!". When did we get to this point? When did something as simple as coexisting in a marketplace environment become so unnerving for people that they aren't able to keep it together? We aren't hunters and gathers, having to tap in to our instincts to survive at a heightened level of danger anymore. But, watching the emotional reaction of some of the people surrounding me... you wouldn't know it. I won't be able to change the world, but I can change myself... Today, I took a deep breathe and remembered to smile at strangers. I showed compassion and common courtesy and I remembered to laugh when things didn't go my way. Hopefully, the positivity will be contagious. Appreciate Each Day & remember to relax!

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