Saturday, September 28, 2013

Part I- Unplugged

12 facebook checks.
23 text messages.
17 likes on instagram.
1 photogrid
6 chive albums.
4 pictures pinned.
3 youtube videos.
1 huffington post article.

This was my online activity for one hour. During a work shift. These distractions filled approximately 20 minutes of that hour. 20 minutes that could have been focused onto activities that aren't completely fillers.

What is all this plugged in time doing to me? Well, for one its causing my work ethic and focus to deteriorate. I was tallying this activity for this article. I was worried that it would not be accurate because I was self-aware, but to my (disconcerting) surprise I was finding myself reaching for my phone, on autopilot every few minutes. I had to remind myself to keep up with the tally. 

This led me to my decision to become unplugged.
Just for a week.
Not a drastic life change. 

...Well it shouldn't be.
Because I'm not planning to become Amish. I'm not living like a pilgrim and lighting a candle to read by. I am going to to use my phone as a landline. 
I will still work on my computer at work.
I have a workline in case of emergencies. 
If I need to take a picture, I'll use a camera.
If I need to check the time, I'll wear a watch.
I'll check my voicemails and texts at the end of the evening each day when I come home.
If I need to know directions somewhere or the answer to some random question... I'll ask an actual human.
 Nothing will change, except for the constant access. 

Im hoping I'll find the time that was lost over the internet waves.
Tomorrow until next Sunday, I'll live in the real world rather than the cyber world, and next Sunday. I'll Let you know what I learned in Part II. 

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